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Quillaja saponaria Molina, commonly known as Quillay, is a tree native from Chile, used for centuries by the Mapuche people for hygiene and medicinal purposes. During the last decades, the tree has been used by the food industry for humans and animal products and by the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of vaccines, against pathogens as malaria, shingles and even COVID-19.

The demand for Quillaja trees as a supply for these industries has only increased. This growing demand is currently generating serious supply problem which mainly affects the future production of vaccines that use Quillaja extracts. Currently the trees are obtained from native forests and experts assure that the increasing demand for the pharmaceutical sector is not sustainable due the overexploitation of the native Quillaja forest. This could cause a gap between the demand and availability of the resource, causing limitations on the offer and even a possible breakdown in the supply chain by the next years. This phenomenon also will cause a limitation the Quillaja based vaccines development and production.

Q-VANT is changing this narrative and addressing this problem through the use of a highly disruptive technology platform.

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